Clinton Misjudged Level Of Sexism And Racism, Nothing More

Hillary Clinton, in her new memoir What Happened, has admitted to misjudging the environment of the 2016 presidential election as well as the candidate she was running again. I’ve seen a lot of people criticise her for this on social media which just makes absolutely no sense to me. The only thing she is guilty of is believing that we live in a time where racism and sexism aren’t as prominent as in the past, and she was wrong. We all were.

I remember thinking at the time that the only reason Trump got elected was because his base, who we all now know to be racists after the Charlottesville incident, just couldn’t stand the thought of a female president after eight straight years of a black president. And I still believe that to this day. There is a portion of the United States that is absolutely terrified of anyone but a white man being president, hence the hate that was thrown at Obama between his election win in 2008 and his last day in 2017. And what do racists hate more than a black president? A female president. That’s just the way they are and unfortunately that can’t be changed any time soon. These people were brought up believing that women and people that aren’t white are sub-human and rank below them. And this is what Hillary misjudged last year and unfortunately the backward nature of a portion of this country is the reason that she isn’t president right now.

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