It’s Time For Failing Trump To RESIGN

Last nights crushing defeat for the Republicans just proves that Trump has absolutely no idea what he is doing. A week or so ago he wined and dined Republicans at the White House, which may sound great to the uneducated Trump voter, but to those of us blessed with intelligence it wasn’t great at all. Why? Because the Republicans he wined and dined were already guaranteed to vote through a repeal and replace Obamacare bill. The people he should have been wining and dining were Republicans who either hadn’t made up their minds or were not going to vote for it full stop. In other words, the three Republicans who voted no last night, killing any chance of a Republican healthcare bill for the foreseeable future: John McCain, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.

Trump of course went on to blame these three AND all the Democrats for the defeat last night, with the only person he’s yet to blame still being himself. He takes no responsibly for anything that fails, something a President needs to do when things get tough. Not cry like a big man baby and throw your toys out the pram.

But let’s be honest, that’s not the only reason Trump should resign from office. He is totally unfit to lead and has zero leadership qualities. At this point, a violent bowel movement would have as much presidential qualities as he does. His idea of running the country like a business has not worked and will never work. He his out of his depth, lacks experience, knowledge and the brains to govern, and will never pass a meaningful piece of legislation before his inevitable impeachment.

Trump is a failure.


The True Source Of Fake News: Donald J. Chump

The term fake news has been peddled almost daily by Trump whenever something negative is reported on by the mainstream media. Well, apart from Fox News that is, who oddly don’t consider themselves part of the mainstream media even though they most definitely are. But it’s a term that Trump likes to throw around like a monkey throws around it’s own fecal matter at a zoo. He seems to think that everything negative that is happening right now is fake even though it couldn’t be more real. And what makes it worse is, the poor suckers who voted for him lap it up left right and centre.

Fortunately for those of us gifted with intelligence, it’s easy to see through the smokescreen currently surrounding the White House. As every day passes a new revelation emerges surrounding the possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. A few days ago it emerged that Donald Trump Jr. could have potentially been talking to the Russians last year, a conversation that Don Jr. soon commented on as being about Russian adoptions. However yesterday news broke from the New York Times, one of the crusaders alongside the Washington Post in unveiling new information almost daily, that they had copies of Jr’s e-mails and planned on releasing them. In an unexpected, and frankly idiotic move, Jr. released them himself hoping to get ahead of the gigantic tidal wave of authority heading in his direction. It didn’t work at all because he just confirmed what all the reports had been saying, that he had been in contact with the Russians who wanted to meet him to share “damaging” information about Hillary Clinton.

Rob Goldstone: “This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump.”

Donald Trump Jr.: “If it’s what you say, I love it, especially later in the summer.”

At this point it’s crucial to remember that Trump Snr. has been waffling on and on about fake news when it comes to Russia, saying that absolutely no members of his campaign or anyone associated with him had ever spoken with the Russians. This of course, is untrue. It couldn’t be more false revealing the orange buffoon as the true king of fake news to try and keep his base together, something that isn’t particularly difficult considering those who voted for him all heard the tape before the election where he bragged about violating women by grabbing them by the pussy. That alone really sums up what kind of people voted for him. If they vote for him after that, they’ll believe anything, including the vast amount of rubbish flowing out of his mouth on a daily basis. Or to summarise, fake news.

It’s really not difficult to see how Trump has jumped onto the fake news train and claimed it for himself. The ability to brainwash brainless people with the term fake news isn’t difficult. And the term itself is one of the many ways Trump is attacking America, her people, her values and her freedom. Gone are the days a President was respected on the world stage, gone are the days a President had integrity. Who we have now is not only un-American but anti-American. The free press, something that Trump doesn’t realise is rightly protected by the First Amendment, is the #1 enemy in his eyes. He sees a negative story against him as a personal attack, even though the media is simply just reporting on the criminal activities currently taking place in the Oval Office. And he uses the fake news term to convince millions of village idiots that he is being harshly treated when he is simply not.

As the Russian story begins to unravel I’ve no doubt that Trump will continue to push his fake news agenda like never before. He’ll cling on to it, pivot, throw out distractions to try and turn the focus away from the meltdown currently taking place, but in the end he will fail.