Protecting DREAMers Is Important And Easily Achievable

Protecting DREAMers is crucial. These people were brought to this country by their parents and had no choice in the matter and they should not be punished for that. Technically they are here illegally but the vast majority of DREAMers work, pay taxes and contribute to American society just like any other American. And that is what they are. American. The United States of America is the home of the immigrant. Unless you are 100% Native American you have an immigrant, whether you like it or not. That’s fact.

Solving the issue, as far as I’m concerned, is simple. Under DACA they weren’t able to follow the green card route which would see them become permanent residents of the United States. DACA basically just protected them from immediate deportation. It wasn’t a permanent solution and Trump’s removal of DACA has now paved the way for a permanent solution to happen.

That permanent issue should involve DREAMers applying for residency and being able to live here permanently and legally with a green card. After five years a path to citizenship should be allowed, as is standard right now. What a lot of Trump voters seem to think is that residency and citizenship would all be paid for but that wouldn’t and shouldn’t be the case. As I said, the vast majority of DREAMers all pay their own way in America and would be able to afford the fees to become a permeant resident and a citizen. This is by far the most sensible route to go down and pretty simple when you think about it, considering all of the infrastructure for residency and citizenship is already in place. They would just need to have something in place which states that they, as DREAMers, are now allowed to go down that route.

Bill Clinton Impeached Over Less Than What Trump Is Accused Of

The impeachment of President Bill Clinton by the House in December 1998 was based on a sexual relationship that he had had with Monica Lewinsky, a relationship he then went on to lie about by denying its existence. It’s no secret that Republicans despised Clinton, and his impeachment, based on a relationship that meant nothing to what was actually happening to America as a country, was a last ditch effort to bring down his presidency. Republicans will of course deny it. But their hatred for Bill Clinton has since extended further onto his wife, Secretary Hillary Clinton. You just have to look at last years presidential election and the hateful campaign against her to come to that conclusion. It’s not difficult to see.

But let’s be clear here, we are now 8 months into a Trump presidency that has continued to be rocked by scandal, predominantly the accusations of collusion with the Russian government. Just today, Donald Trump Jr. admitted that his meeting with Russians in the summer of 2016 was not about Russian adoptions as he previously stated, but about acquiring “dirt” on Hillary Clinton directly from the Russian government. This is the exact definition of collusion.

“Secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.”

This brings me to my main point: what Trump is being accused of, what his campaign is being accused of, is far more serious than what Bill Clinton was impeached for by the House. Collusion with Russia, lying about it, and obstructing justice by firing the person who is leading the investigation against you, is far more serious than lying about a sexual relationship. What Trump is being accused of is dangerous and calls into question the legitimacy of his win in the election. If his campaign colluded with Russia to acquire information on Hillary Clinton that would damage her campaign, this is an extremely serious situation.

What makes it so much worse is that Trump has done everything in his power to try and bury the investigation against him, going as far as firing FBI Directer James Comes, the man originally leading the investigation. Trump of course denied that the investigation wasn’t the reason he was fired but new evidence in the form of a letter written by Trump and one his of advisers, a letter scrapped due to the White House feeling it would complicate matters, that throws doubt onto Trump’s claim of a witch hunt.

A witch hunt is ironic given the situation. If you want to see what a real witch hunt looks like you only need to look at the blatant efforts to derail Bill Clinton’s presidency in the 1990’s. Their hatred towards him and his family couldn’t have been anything other than a witch hunt, a witch hunt that continues to this day.

In conclusion, it is now up to the Republicans to grow spines and do what they should have done when Trump fired James Comey. Bill Clinton was impeached for less.

The Real Reason Trump Won: Racists & Sexists

There has been a lot of debate over why and how Trump won the election last November, but the real reason is obvious. The people who voted for him could not stand the thought of a female President immediately after eight years of a black President. It really is that simple.

Let’s take a look at the facts. On the 7th October, just over a month before the election, a video emerged of Trump and Billy Bush talking about women. Their comments:

“I did try and fuck her. She was married. I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Now, a normal human being would be disgusted by these comment and withdraw support from anyone who said it, especially if that person was running for President. But that didn’t happen. Why? Because Trump voters are ok with this kind of language, they’re ok with looking down at women, hence their disgust and negative comments and attitude towards Hillary Clinton. It couldn’t be more obvious. The fact that people still voted for this man after hearing these comments come straight out of his mouth really speaks volumes about them. Sexists.

It was the same with Obama. Fox News, the channel that seems to back Trump no matter what, were negative from the first day of Obama’s Presidency, even calling him out for using the wrong kind of mustard on a hot dog. They even criticised the colour of his suit once, saying a President shouldn’t wear beige. Seriously? And Trump voters, who at the time were just pure racists, were no better. Their disgust at a black President was plain for everyone to see and it couldn’t be plainer seven months into the Trump Presidency. Racists were obviously never going to vote for Obama in the first place and Trump has given them all a mainstream mouthpiece like never before – his own mouth.

Now, I’m sure not every person who voted for Trump is a racist or a sexist. A lot of people have since jumped ship and realised the error that they made in voting for him. But for those who claim not to be racist and sexitst you’ve still got to question why they voted for a man who said that about women. And even now, nine months on, you’ve got to question why some still support him after his pro-Nazi Charlottesville comments. But frankly the people who still support him today have to be racist and sexist. There’s no other answer. When someone stands up for Nazis, white supremacists and the KKK you have to be racist. That’s just the way it is. There’s nothing else you can be.

In other words, Hillary was right. His supporters are deplorable.

Clinton Misjudged Level Of Sexism And Racism, Nothing More

Hillary Clinton, in her new memoir What Happened, has admitted to misjudging the environment of the 2016 presidential election as well as the candidate she was running again. I’ve seen a lot of people criticise her for this on social media which just makes absolutely no sense to me. The only thing she is guilty of is believing that we live in a time where racism and sexism aren’t as prominent as in the past, and she was wrong. We all were.

I remember thinking at the time that the only reason Trump got elected was because his base, who we all now know to be racists after the Charlottesville incident, just couldn’t stand the thought of a female president after eight straight years of a black president. And I still believe that to this day. There is a portion of the United States that is absolutely terrified of anyone but a white man being president, hence the hate that was thrown at Obama between his election win in 2008 and his last day in 2017. And what do racists hate more than a black president? A female president. That’s just the way they are and unfortunately that can’t be changed any time soon. These people were brought up believing that women and people that aren’t white are sub-human and rank below them. And this is what Hillary misjudged last year and unfortunately the backward nature of a portion of this country is the reason that she isn’t president right now.

Trump: The Un-American President

When you look back at the history of American presidents it’s not hard to realise that the current holder of the office is the most un-American that there has ever been. Since day 1 Trump has either signed executive orders that go against everything America stands for or rescinded executive orders and policy that Obama brought in in his eight years in office. And today, with Sessions confirming that DACA is being rescinded, if Trump wasn’t already the most un-American person to ever hold the office, he is now.

What Trump and many in his administration somehow fail to remember is that every single person in America who isn’t Native American, is an immigrant. This is basic knowledge for anyone with a fully functioning brain. What’s also basic knowledge is the fact that America has the home and land of the immigrant. From Italians to the Irish, the United States has seen numerous instances of mass immigration over the years. And while DACA can be seen as a different kind of immigration, it’s the same kind of thing. 800,000 people will be at risk of deportation of Congress doesn’t sort out Trump’s mess in the six months that they’ve been given to fix things. And those 800,000 people were all children when originally brought into the United States by their parents. They had no say in the matter and in the vast majority of cases they have zero connection to the country they originally came from. That of course means that if deported back to those countries, they’d have nothing. No family, no place to live, no job, no money, absolutely nothing. Since coming over as children these people have attended school, worked hard, paid taxes, had children themselves, and contribute as every other American does in this country. But that isn’t good enough for Trump.

Immigrants have previously been welcomed to this great country with open arms because Americans themselves are immigrants. It is ludicrous to say that these people shouldn’t be here because they are illegal. False, these people should be here because they are American. America is all they’ve known, all they’ve worked for, all they’ve lived for. And the thought of taking that away from them is as un-American as it gets.

And this is just the latest in a long line of un-American things Trump has done. It’s time for Congress to act to protect these people. And when they’re done, it’s time for them to realise that Trump is at the core of all these un-American issues because he himself is un-American.

It’s Time For Trump, The Racist, To Go

As every day passes during the Trump Presidency we are reminded time and time again  of how unfit he is to be President of the United States, how uneducated and lacking in intelligence he is to even understand how to govern. With no major legislation passed it’s obvious the guy couldn’t deliver a pizza if his life depended on it. But with the most recent comments coming yesterday where backed the words and actions of white supremacists and Nazis, a joke has now turned into a national emergency.

There have always been concerns regarding Trump’s views on anyone who isn’t white, and now it is blatantly obvious why Trump wants to undo everything President Obama did during his time in office. He is a straight up racist, it’s as simple as that. It took two days for him to call the Nazi and white supremacists what they are and even then it looked like he was the victim of a hostage situation, forced to read out a statement that he didn’t agree with. This was confirmed yesterday when he went off the rails at a press conference in Trump Tower, forgetting everything he had said the day before and saying what he really meant. That there were two sides to the fighting when there were not. That the alt-left (whatever that is) was to blame for the actions of the Nazis and white supremacists. This is total bullshit, and only a full on racist and Nazi sympathiser could say and believe those words.

This has now gone way beyond a simple Democrat vs Republican issue. The man is unfit to serve the greatest office in the land. His inability to stand against hatred and use excuses, effectively blaming the views and actions of the woman killed in Charlottesville, is absolutely despicable. He has to go.

It’s Time For Failing Trump To RESIGN

Last nights crushing defeat for the Republicans just proves that Trump has absolutely no idea what he is doing. A week or so ago he wined and dined Republicans at the White House, which may sound great to the uneducated Trump voter, but to those of us blessed with intelligence it wasn’t great at all. Why? Because the Republicans he wined and dined were already guaranteed to vote through a repeal and replace Obamacare bill. The people he should have been wining and dining were Republicans who either hadn’t made up their minds or were not going to vote for it full stop. In other words, the three Republicans who voted no last night, killing any chance of a Republican healthcare bill for the foreseeable future: John McCain, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.

Trump of course went on to blame these three AND all the Democrats for the defeat last night, with the only person he’s yet to blame still being himself. He takes no responsibly for anything that fails, something a President needs to do when things get tough. Not cry like a big man baby and throw your toys out the pram.

But let’s be honest, that’s not the only reason Trump should resign from office. He is totally unfit to lead and has zero leadership qualities. At this point, a violent bowel movement would have as much presidential qualities as he does. His idea of running the country like a business has not worked and will never work. He his out of his depth, lacks experience, knowledge and the brains to govern, and will never pass a meaningful piece of legislation before his inevitable impeachment.

Trump is a failure.


The True Source Of Fake News: Donald J. Chump

The term fake news has been peddled almost daily by Trump whenever something negative is reported on by the mainstream media. Well, apart from Fox News that is, who oddly don’t consider themselves part of the mainstream media even though they most definitely are. But it’s a term that Trump likes to throw around like a monkey throws around it’s own fecal matter at a zoo. He seems to think that everything negative that is happening right now is fake even though it couldn’t be more real. And what makes it worse is, the poor suckers who voted for him lap it up left right and centre.

Fortunately for those of us gifted with intelligence, it’s easy to see through the smokescreen currently surrounding the White House. As every day passes a new revelation emerges surrounding the possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. A few days ago it emerged that Donald Trump Jr. could have potentially been talking to the Russians last year, a conversation that Don Jr. soon commented on as being about Russian adoptions. However yesterday news broke from the New York Times, one of the crusaders alongside the Washington Post in unveiling new information almost daily, that they had copies of Jr’s e-mails and planned on releasing them. In an unexpected, and frankly idiotic move, Jr. released them himself hoping to get ahead of the gigantic tidal wave of authority heading in his direction. It didn’t work at all because he just confirmed what all the reports had been saying, that he had been in contact with the Russians who wanted to meet him to share “damaging” information about Hillary Clinton.

Rob Goldstone: “This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump.”

Donald Trump Jr.: “If it’s what you say, I love it, especially later in the summer.”

At this point it’s crucial to remember that Trump Snr. has been waffling on and on about fake news when it comes to Russia, saying that absolutely no members of his campaign or anyone associated with him had ever spoken with the Russians. This of course, is untrue. It couldn’t be more false revealing the orange buffoon as the true king of fake news to try and keep his base together, something that isn’t particularly difficult considering those who voted for him all heard the tape before the election where he bragged about violating women by grabbing them by the pussy. That alone really sums up what kind of people voted for him. If they vote for him after that, they’ll believe anything, including the vast amount of rubbish flowing out of his mouth on a daily basis. Or to summarise, fake news.

It’s really not difficult to see how Trump has jumped onto the fake news train and claimed it for himself. The ability to brainwash brainless people with the term fake news isn’t difficult. And the term itself is one of the many ways Trump is attacking America, her people, her values and her freedom. Gone are the days a President was respected on the world stage, gone are the days a President had integrity. Who we have now is not only un-American but anti-American. The free press, something that Trump doesn’t realise is rightly protected by the First Amendment, is the #1 enemy in his eyes. He sees a negative story against him as a personal attack, even though the media is simply just reporting on the criminal activities currently taking place in the Oval Office. And he uses the fake news term to convince millions of village idiots that he is being harshly treated when he is simply not.

As the Russian story begins to unravel I’ve no doubt that Trump will continue to push his fake news agenda like never before. He’ll cling on to it, pivot, throw out distractions to try and turn the focus away from the meltdown currently taking place, but in the end he will fail.