It’s Time For Trump, The Racist, To Go

As every day passes during the Trump Presidency we are reminded time and time again  of how unfit he is to be President of the United States, how uneducated and lacking in intelligence he is to even understand how to govern. With no major legislation passed it’s obvious the guy couldn’t deliver a pizza if his life depended on it. But with the most recent comments coming yesterday where backed the words and actions of white supremacists and Nazis, a joke has now turned into a national emergency.

There have always been concerns regarding Trump’s views on anyone who isn’t white, and now it is blatantly obvious why Trump wants to undo everything President Obama did during his time in office. He is a straight up racist, it’s as simple as that. It took two days for him to call the Nazi and white supremacists what they are and even then it looked like he was the victim of a hostage situation, forced to read out a statement that he didn’t agree with. This was confirmed yesterday when he went off the rails at a press conference in Trump Tower, forgetting everything he had said the day before and saying what he really meant. That there were two sides to the fighting when there were not. That the alt-left (whatever that is) was to blame for the actions of the Nazis and white supremacists. This is total bullshit, and only a full on racist and Nazi sympathiser could say and believe those words.

This has now gone way beyond a simple Democrat vs Republican issue. The man is unfit to serve the greatest office in the land. His inability to stand against hatred and use excuses, effectively blaming the views and actions of the woman killed in Charlottesville, is absolutely despicable. He has to go.