Protecting DREAMers Is Important And Easily Achievable

Protecting DREAMers is crucial. These people were brought to this country by their parents and had no choice in the matter and they should not be punished for that. Technically they are here illegally but the vast majority of DREAMers work, pay taxes and contribute to American society just like any other American. And that is what they are. American. The United States of America is the home of the immigrant. Unless you are 100% Native American you have an immigrant, whether you like it or not. That’s fact.

Solving the issue, as far as I’m concerned, is simple. Under DACA they weren’t able to follow the green card route which would see them become permanent residents of the United States. DACA basically just protected them from immediate deportation. It wasn’t a permanent solution and Trump’s removal of DACA has now paved the way for a permanent solution to happen.

That permanent issue should involve DREAMers applying for residency and being able to live here permanently and legally with a green card. After five years a path to citizenship should be allowed, as is standard right now. What a lot of Trump voters seem to think is that residency and citizenship would all be paid for but that wouldn’t and shouldn’t be the case. As I said, the vast majority of DREAMers all pay their own way in America and would be able to afford the fees to become a permeant resident and a citizen. This is by far the most sensible route to go down and pretty simple when you think about it, considering all of the infrastructure for residency and citizenship is already in place. They would just need to have something in place which states that they, as DREAMers, are now allowed to go down that route.